Friday, December 14, 2007
Call To Repentance
"Hello, this is Tim Rickel with World Gospel Mission calling. The purpose of my call today is simply to thank you for your involvement with WGM in missions."
This has been a common beginning to many phone conversations this fall as my coworkers and I have been calling all of our donors simply to thank them for engaging in missions with us. People have been surprised and grateful. But there was one reaction I personally wasn't expecting.
One of my coworkers was on the phone with an elderly donor. "I'm sorry," she said, "but I'm 81 years old and have given all I can this year."
"Oh, ma'am," he replied, "I am only calling to say thank you!"
And then, the lady broke down and cried.
This, then is the result of years of marketing research in the Christian non-profit fundraising sector. A dear saint, upon receiving a call from us, can only imagine that we are calling for a donation.
And she isn't alone. The most common reaction to our calls has been the hesitant question as the call winds down, "Aren't you going to ask for money?"
What kind of relationship has resulted in this situation. Certainly not a Biblical relationship. I am reminded of how Paul writes the Philippians in chapter four. This is from The Message.
" 4:1 My dear, dear friends! I love you so much. I do want the very best for you. You make me feel such joy, fill me with such pride. Don't waver. Stay on track, steady in God."
And then these verses
10-14I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you're again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don't mean that your help didn't mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.
Paul's total communication about their giving is about how it benefits them, not Paul. His joy is in what is happening in their lives.
I think a good season of repentance is in order for activities that have created a reaction of dread rather than delight when people receive a call from the agency that they partner with in ministry. May God help us to value our partners and to call them because we want to know them better and to delight in what God is doing in their lives rather than to "update" them on our activities and "make the ask" to supply our needs.
This doesn't mean we will never ask them to be involved in ministry through a financial gift, but that should only happen based on what God is doing in them rather than what we are doing in our ministries. And that knowledge only comes through genuine authentic relationship.
What do you think. Am I overreacting, or do I have a point?
Monday, December 3, 2007
From Ireland to Arizona
Just one month ago I was boarding a plane from Ireland back to Indiana. Laurie and I had gone for a week along with other WGM administrators to meet with our WGM UK Council. That is a wonderful group of people from England and Northern Ireland who have a passion for missions and who are involved in getting people from that region of our globe involved in mission efforts on WGM fields. They have taken teams to Ukraine and Uganda to build or teach or do whatever they can to help out our missionaries in those places.
We went to talk with them about how we might coordinate our efforts even better from the US and the UK. I fall in love with just about every country I visit in the world, and Northern Ireland, where we had our meetings, was no exception. That's one country where I could easily blend in, at least until I opened my mouth!
This past month included Thanksgiving, a time when I took some much needed down time to just vegetate. It included a wonderful time in Chicago with some old friends, Terry and Natalie, who share my passion for mission and who have partnered with us in ministry for many years. Chicago at the beginning of the Christmas season was fun!
I took this past month off from blogging. My schedule was so crazy this summer I just needed to let something go for a while to catch my breath. Now, at the end of a visit to our mission work in Arizona, I am picking it up again.
This weekend was incredible. I am on our American Indian Field for three days of lending the folks here a helping hand and helping them celebrate a milestone in their ministry.
For more than half a century, centered in the Phoenix area we have had a work among Native Americans. For many years in Peoria, Arizona, where I am now, we had a boarding school for native kids. Times change and the boarding school approach became outdated as families preferred to keep their kids at home as time went on. So a move was made to open schools on the reservation back in the first part of the 90's. The struggle was what to do with the large school facilities that we had. We tried different things, and after a lot of planning decided this past February to consolidate what we have here and use the money from the sale of property to update the facilities that we keep, making more effective use of the space we have. What was neat to me was that a number of alumni of the boarding school were here helping with this move and will be part of the force shaping the future of our new ministry outreach.
And what an exciting outreach that is! Phoenix has become the seventh largest city in America with huge ethnic populations living all around the school property. We'll continue to reach native children as well as other groups as these grounds are converted into a multi-purpose ministry center complete with recreational and instructional facilities. This place offers a great opportunity for people to get their feet wet in missions, and in fact, on this trip we brought 17 people from our staff, some of whom have never been to a mission field before!
Yesterday we split out into groups to attend church on the reservation. That was a new experience for many, let me tell you! I'd encourage you to plan a visit here just to check out what God is doing in this corner of the world. You'd be surprised, and blessed!
Monday, October 29, 2007
I'm a Runner - Chapter Seven
A little over a week ago Laurie ran her first full marathon in twenty years. It was another chapter in our running saga in which I gained some new insights into the crazy world of running and other passions.
Louisville, Kentucky 2007 Marathon
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I'm a Runner - Chapter Six
Glowing in the bliss of my first 5K I decided that I was going to run the half-marathon the next spring. So I decided to get serious with my training. I was majorly sore after that first race, so after a week or so to heal up, I went for my first training run. My goal? Beat my marathon time!
It was majorly hot that first week in the middle of May. "Good!" I thought. "This will take the pounds off!"
It took something off for sure. Now I had read countless articles about running in the heat and hydration and all that stuff. But this was just 3 miles and I had run that all spring in training. They used to call it sun stroke, I believe. The word dehydration is another descriptor.
Another way of putting it is "the death of my mini dreams." Combine the blazing summer heat with a busy, busy schedule and the recovery time from dehydration and my goal went to "I think I'll run another 5K next year and start training in the spring again."
So I followed that pattern for two more years. Call it seasonal running. Or hobby running. Or sporatic fits of fitness.
But this past spring, just like the drug user, I found that now the 5K was not giving me quite the high it first did. Even with my somewhat inconsistent training schedule, I was gaining a level of fitness and experience that now meant that I wasn't even sore the day after the race. Time for a new challenge.
So this summer, with care and wisdom, and heeding the advice of the experts on increasing your running distance, I started on the goal of upping my mileage. I'll share that saga of what I did and the piece of advice I ignored in my next post.
This weekend Laurie will run in the Louisville Marathon. 26.2 miles on a flat, fast course. She hopes to qualify for Boston.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Are Marathons Too Risky?
Spectators watch the start of the Chicago Marathon. The brutally hot marathon that descended into disarray this weekend — with hundreds in the field of 36,000 runners vomiting or collapsing by the roadside — has raised questions about whether marathons have become too big and too greedy.
Friday, September 28, 2007
I'm a Runner - Chapter Five
But the the guys and gals standing along the route start shouting encouragement. And I begin to think I'm gonna make it. And then it's the final quarter mile of the 5K race (again, the miles/kilometers thing) and I actually pick up the pace. The final 100 yards is the same finish as the half-marathon course and the crowd is cheering us on. Now despair turns to euphoria! I am out of breath, but that doesn't matter at all. I give up the timing chip, collect my medal, and chug down a water bottle. I collect the chips, cookies, banana, gatorade, apple, etc and join the other finishers exiting the course.
When I downloaded the results from the race I noticed that another runner had my exact finish time. It was a lady.
So I looked up her information. She was 99 years old! Now I had a goal. Train and train so that next year I could leave her in the dust! My time was better than hers the next year. But somehow, when you beat a 100 year old by a couple of minutes in a 5K, it seems like bragging rights go to the 100 year young person. Way to go Laura!
Friday, September 21, 2007
We Interrupt This Blog Series...
That was the theme of the conference I was just in. Not the official theme. But definitely the theme that came through to me. I found it amazingly ironic to be in a room of mission executives where I felt like a new kid on the block and listen to 20 something leaders tell the oldsters that they’ve missed it. In fact, they expressed that missions is like an impenetrable wall. They’d love to learn from our experience, but we don’t seem to care. Our message? “Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you in a few weeks. Oh, and by the way, NO, we aren’t interested in a creative approach.”
It was also interesting to hear the response from the leadership in the room. My favorite question had to be one posed to a church leader of an emerging church that has started 14 churches in a closed country in three years by itself because the agency it has a relationship with told it that was impossible and to forget it. The question posed was, “SO, what if all churches did what you have done? Wouldn’t there be incredible duplication of efforts?” The implied answer was that God created agencies to avoid that problem. :) On Yahoo there is an emoticon for LOL that would work better here.
Actually, I found myself crying as I watched a video clip of young people at Urbana telling the camera what they would tell agency executives if they had the chance. The theme was, “We’re out here. We have passion. We want to change the world!”
What made me cry was the thought that I started into missions with a passion to reach lost people with the message of Christ. I specialized in bridging cultural gaps as a missionary to connect with people and be able to share what I know with them. Now, as an agency leader, I hear voices telling us we have missed connecting with a whole generation right here at home. In their voices I heard a longing for a connection.
At the Mission Exchange annual business meeting the chairman of the board did a skit with people from the audience. Of course there were no young leaders present. This was a business meeting for members. He asked for anyone under 35 to represent Paul and Barnabas and Titus. Then anyone under 40. Then anyone under 45. Finally he took people under 50 to speak for those young leaders. He got three older men to be Apostles and elders. He read the story of Paul coming to Jerusalem to answer questions about his work and then with no preparation asked these mission leaders to act out these parts and interviewed them about the upcoming meeting. I was sitting there trying to figure out the point of this when it dawned on me. OH, this is to show that what we have heard here is nothing new. New leaders have been stretching old leaders from the beginning of the church, so we really shouldn’t get too worried about what we have heard. We were young once too. They’ll come around and it’ll be OK.
Maybe they’re right...
Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm a Runner - Chapter Four
- It really helps to have a coach when you are trying something new and challenging. Somebody who has done it before to provide knowledge and inspiration. For me that was the magazine and my wife, not in that order!
- There's just a lot of slogging involved in any worthwhile goal, but it is worth it.
- Don't listen to the naysayers.
- Start with what you can do and move on from there.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm a Runner - Chapter Three
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I'm a Runner - Chapter Two
So how did I go from a childhood of negative running experiences to a guy who ran 3.3 miles last evening after a busy day at work just for the fun of it? I mean, if you think about it, they use running for punishment in school. "OK, everybody, just for that, take a lap!"
It happened in a moment of glory. Well, that's maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but my entry into the ranks of "runner" does point back to a singular event that took place in May of 2003.
It was 6:30 a.m. and Laurie and I and our daughter were driving through downtown Indianapolis looking for a parking spot somewhat close to the starting line of the 500 Festival Mini-marathon. This was to be Laurie's first race in twenty years, almost to the day,when she ran a full marathon in Cleveland, Ohio.
We drove through the downtown area, filled with runners dressed in T-shirts of every imagineable color and design, running shorts and shoes, and of course, a race bib with their number on it. It was a crisp morning and there was electricity in the air. There was a sense of something about to happen. Anticipation. Streets were blocked off. Someone was on a PA welcoming runners to the 28th running of the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. There were news helicopters hovering overhead, for crying out loud. Our daughter leaned over the seat and said, "You know mom, I'm kinda proud of you!"
This was a new world to me. I've never been mistaken for an athlete. But there was such energy in the air as 30,000 plus runners came together for a half-marathon and a 5K race that by the end of the day both our daughter and I had determined that we were going to run next year in the 5K race. We had a whole new take on running. It wasn't just something hard that Laurie did all the time any more. As I looked around I saw every age and body type pounding out the miles in a display of athletic exuberance. I wanted to be part of that! This was something that I could do too!
Monday, September 3, 2007
I'm Tim Rickel and I'm a Runner
That's how I introduced myself in chapel at WGM last Tuesday. I took that phrase from a feature in each "Runner's World" issue that comes to our house which features different celebrities or corporate personalities and their story about running.
I've been thinking about my running and how it applies to what we are doing at WGM. So, I am going to dedicate several posts to talking about this facet of my life. In case you don't believe I'm a runner, I present the following picture as evidence. It is my bib number from this year's 500 Festival 5K run in Indianapolis. And a copy of "Runner's World" which I will refer to in my story of how I became a runner.
Then in third grade we had a race in the gym at recess. I beat everyone sprinting, even the fastest girl. It was a short-lived moment of glory. When we picked teams for kickball I was still one of the last ones chosen! Athletics were never my strong point. Especially after I got glasses in fifth grade!
In high school my good friend, Terry, convinced me to run with him at 7 a.m. in order to get in better shape. We both lived within a few blocks of the high school track. Well, that lasted about a week. As we pounded around the track; me trying to keep stride with his longer legs, I decided I could be still sleeping rather than feeling out of breath this early in the morning.
My next run in with running, (pardon the pun), was in college gym class when we had to run an 11 minute mile to get a passing grade. As I ran the final two tenths of a mile, feeling completely like I was going to die, I decided I would never again voluntarily run unless it involved lots of money or really good food. And I held to that until 2003. But that's for the next post.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Beginning and Ending and Points in Between
It's interesting how most people pass through life without acclaim or fame. It was a privilege to honor Wilfa Moorman and to inform her grandchildren who were present about the international impact her life had as part of a worldwide team reaching into many cultures with the good news that Jesus offers them new life and an eternity with God. Most people at the funeral had no idea that Wilfa was a force for the gospel on the international scene.
I related how when Dr. Steury operated on a Maasai warrior in Kenya, his teammate Wilfa was freeing him from the concerns of filing taxes so that he could focus on the ministry there. Or when Harold Harriman was opening areas of Bolivia to the gospel message, Wilfa was making sure the mission maintained sound fiscal accountability here at HQ, something that helped keep the Harrimans on the field. I shared that urgent prayer was needed for the Harriman's son, Hubert, who as a young boy had a serious knee infection, Wilfa was part of the team in Marion that got on their knees and prayed in help for this missionary kid who would one day be president of the mission. Finally, I shared that if it is possible to be surprised in heaven, that likely Wilfa was surprised as men and women from Kenya, Bolivia, and other points around the globe approached her and thanked her for being part of the team that brought the good news to their village, resulting in their being in heaven.
Then, at the other end of the life cycle, I attended the wedding of a missionary kid to a preacher's son. In that ceremony, this young couple expressed their desire to be used of God in their life together. The ceremony was thoughtful and packed with expressions of their love for each other and for God. I wondered what will be said in another 60 years or so about their contribution to the kingdom.
I guess the point of all this is that we each have the opportunity and the mandate to be part of winning the world for Christ. Each of us has a mission, custom tailored by God for us. I'd love to hear how that is working out in your life. Have any reflections that you would care to post here as a comment to this blog entry? I'd love to hear from you.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
June Ministry Update
I told his mother I would pray for her and for her son’s children as well. Her grief-stricken face held no hope. Most people in this place know no hope. Just mind-numbing work full of danger from disease, violence, and a poisoned environment. The life expectancy at the dump is forty years, a desperate reality for 1,000 people, including 250 children who live in the dump.
Along with the national church, WGM is reaching out to these people by providing free education for the children, with a hope that with education we can save them from this hell on earth. And by introducing them to Jesus we can save them from an eternal hell without Christ. Their parents are willing to let them come to school part of the day if we pay them something to compensate the loss of income to the family. These children earn a dollar a day digging through the trash. The norm in this place is for girls to sell their bodies starting at age ten. That is if a garbage truck doesn’t back over them as they scramble to get the choicest morsels as it is dumping its load of garbage. That is unfortunately part of the hard reality of this place.
Nothing has quite effected me like the Tegucigalpa dump. I didn’t even know this existed in the years I served as a missionary in Honduras. Now I know. The Honduran pastor and his wife who pour out their lives in this place left good paying jobs in faith when they learned of this place and dedicated themselves full-time to rescuing these children.
Mendoza, Argentina: I sipped mate, a hot drink made from a local herb mix and shared amongst friends, while my friend who lives and ministers there led a Bible study with Daniel and Maria, two new followers of Jesus Christ. Daniel is in the highest economic levels of Argentine society, working with international investors in the economy. We were in their beautiful home enjoying their gracious hospitality as we studied God’s word together. We were studying Luke 11 where Jesus tells the people he will give them no sign except the sign of Jonah. Daniel commented, “I’ve don’t know the story of Jonah.” So we went to the book of Jonah and read the whole story. We spent another hour discussing it.
These two stories from my travels to our fields of Honduras and Argentina are vastly different with one common thread. Both people at the top echelons of Argentine society and in the dumps of Honduras will go to an eternity without Christ unless we do something. Spiritually, they are equally needy.
Of course, we all have people all around us who don't know that God knows them completely and loves them so completely that He gave his only son so that whoever believes in Jesus can spent eternity with Him. Who will help them understand what that means?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Welcome to our Blog!
I have to admit to clinging to old ways for quite some time now until the practical matter that I just wasn't getting news of our lives out frequently enough forced me to try something new.
In 1995, when I started working at WGM headquarters we were still using a dictation machine and typing letters up on an IBM selectric typewriter! That has all been replaced by e-mail and has gone the way of too many other items from our lives--placed in a museum display in the Indianapolis Children's museum.
So, we'll give this a try and see how we all like it. Here's to keeping in touch!