I told his mother I would pray for her and for her son’s children as well. Her grief-stricken face held no hope. Most people in this place know no hope. Just mind-numbing work full of danger from disease, violence, and a poisoned environment. The life expectancy at the dump is forty years, a desperate reality for 1,000 people, including 250 children who live in the dump.
Along with the national church, WGM is reaching out to these people by providing free education for the children, with a hope that with education we can save them from this hell on earth. And by introducing them to Jesus we can save them from an eternal hell without Christ. Their parents are willing to let them come to school part of the day if we pay them something to compensate the loss of income to the family. These children earn a dollar a day digging through the trash. The norm in this place is for girls to sell their bodies starting at age ten. That is if a garbage truck doesn’t back over them as they scramble to get the choicest morsels as it is dumping its load of garbage. That is unfortunately part of the hard reality of this place.
Nothing has quite effected me like the Tegucigalpa dump. I didn’t even know this existed in the years I served as a missionary in Honduras. Now I know. The Honduran pastor and his wife who pour out their lives in this place left good paying jobs in faith when they learned of this place and dedicated themselves full-time to rescuing these children.

These two stories from my travels to our fields of Honduras and Argentina are vastly different with one common thread. Both people at the top echelons of Argentine society and in the dumps of Honduras will go to an eternity without Christ unless we do something. Spiritually, they are equally needy.
Of course, we all have people all around us who don't know that God knows them completely and loves them so completely that He gave his only son so that whoever believes in Jesus can spent eternity with Him. Who will help them understand what that means?
1 comment:
Hey - - - I KNOW what mate is!!!
My friend, Betsy, who used to teach at LCS with me is now a WGM missionary in Bolivia and she first told me about it.
I have yet to TRY it though - - - - really curious, I hope someday someone offers me some!!!
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