So how did I go from a childhood of negative running experiences to a guy who ran 3.3 miles last evening after a busy day at work just for the fun of it? I mean, if you think about it, they use running for punishment in school. "OK, everybody, just for that, take a lap!"
It happened in a moment of glory. Well, that's maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but my entry into the ranks of "runner" does point back to a singular event that took place in May of 2003.

We drove through the downtown area, filled with runners dressed in T-shirts of every imagineable color and design, running shorts and shoes, and of course, a race bib with their number on it. It was a crisp morning and there was electricity in the air. There was a sense of something about to happen. Anticipation. Streets were blocked off. Someone was on a PA welcoming runners to the 28th running of the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. There were news helicopters hovering overhead, for crying out loud. Our daughter leaned over the seat and said, "You know mom, I'm kinda proud of you!"

So this then was the beginning of something new for me. Besides being fun to write about, and hopefully to read about as well, the story of my becoming a runner also has a direct connection to my passion for missions. Missions is viewed by many as that odd thing that some Christians do that has little to do with their life. But just like me and running, I think that everyone can find excitement and fulfillment in getting active in missions. But just like discovering running was for me, what I have to say about missions is probably way different than what you might expect, or at least what you've heard in the past.
Yep - - - you're posting OFTEN enough now to move to my "daily blogs" list!!!
PS - - - GO COLTS!!!
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